Recent News
PLOS Global Public Health ➚
COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness among South Asians in Canada
Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism ➚
Understanding the impact of maternal and infant nutrition on infant/child health: Multiethnic considerations, knowledge translation, and future directions for equitable health research
Lancet Planetary Health ➚
Carbon emissions associated with end-of-life care in the hospital setting: a paradigm shift for people and our planet
Canadian Journal of Public Health ➚
Sociodemographic factors associated with vaccine hesitancy in the South Asian community in Canada
Knowledge Translation
Video: Dear Granddaughter
Poem written and performed by Tahnee Wilson, videography by Sujane Kandasamy. This film is a personal reflection of the research findings of a MSc thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Health Research Methodology Program, McMaster University by Sujane Kandasamy titled "Perinatal Wellbeing in an Aboriginal context: Understanding the health beliefs and cultural perceptions of grandmothers from the Six Nations reserve in Southern Ontario".
Environmental Profiles of Community Health: Interactive Map from the Canadian Alliance for Health Hearts and Minds study
As part of the Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds (CAHHM) study, we collected data from communities across Canada and assembled it into an online interactive map. The map contains data about connectivity, as well as food, tobacco and alcohol availability and price.
Video: Healthy Roots Pilot Study: Six Nations Health Services and McMaster University Collaboration
This video was created as a collaborative effort between Six Nations Health Services and McMaster University to track the experiences of participants enrolled in the "Healthy Roots" Pilot Study.
Recent Publications
The Conversation ➚
How mother’s diet affects baby’s health: What insights from different cultures can tell us
The Conversation ➚
Ethnicity, race and health equity: 3 lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
PLOS Global Public Health ➚
COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness among South Asians in Canada
PLOS Global Public Health ➚
COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness among South Asians in Canada
Age and Ageing ➚
New horizons in clinical practice guidelines for use with older people
Clinical Epigenetics ➚
Consistent cord blood DNA methylation signatures of gestational age between South Asian and white European cohorts
The Lancet Regional Health - Europe ➚
Announcing The Lancet Regional Health-Europe commission on inequalities and disparities in cardiovascular health
Upcoming Events
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